Swartland Cuvee Brut 750ml is a premium sparkling wine that offers a delightful balance of tropical flavors and subtle almond notes. This beverage is ideal for businesses in Tanzania looking to stock high-quality sparkling wines. Its full-bodied taste is complemented by a fresh and crisp acidity, making it a versatile choice for various occasions. Not too dry, Swartland Cuvee Brut is perfect for catering events or upscale restaurants in Zanzibar that seek to provide their customers with a refined drinking experience. The Swartland brand is synonymous with quality and elegance, ensuring that your clients receive nothing but the best.
* available in Zanzibar only.
Swartland Cuvee Brut 750ml
A refreshing sparkling wine with tropical flavours and underlying notes of almonds. Full and not too dry with fresh and crisp acidity.